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.:Titolo: desideri
12/12/07 15:27

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.:Titolo: emo
12/12/07 11:54

e non dico altro
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.:Titolo: ...rewind
11/12/07 12:26

Salve questo è un post intelligente...o forse un post in telligente o anche una post intelligenza...un postin telligente vi chiederete è solamente un po' vostro pensiero nel leggere queste prime frasi potrebbe essere stato questo:"il ragazzo che scrive è un coglione..." ed invece no, è solamente che io sono un ragazzo molto precoce, pensate ho imparato a scrivere prima di leggere, difatti mentre scrivevo mi chiedevo...che cazzo ho scritto? e non potevo rileggerlo perchè non so questi sono difetti ed in realtà la realtà è così sei muto ridi con gli occhi, se sei cieco ridi con la bocca, e se sei sia muto che cieco beh hai ben poco di che ridere.
C'è chi dice che è colpa della politica se il mondo va a puttane...non è vero...dicono che i partiti non rappresentano gli elettori, allora è ora di cambiarli questi elettori, in verità la politica va a puttane perchè ci siamo tutti rincitrulliti, Il sogno della democrazia è di innalzare il proletariato al livello di stupidità che ha già raggiunto la borghesia, ed è una realtà, tutti cercano di inculare tutti, chi trova un amico trova un tesoro ma chi trova un tesoro se ne fotte dell'amico.
E' un mondo difficile, siamo schiavi....due persone si amano e sono schiave, un rapporto si basa sulla Telecom: fallisce lei, noi non abbiamo più rapporti. "Non drammatizzare, amore: c'è sempre l'Omnitel"....è anke questo è vita è un lampo bisogna viverla senza farsi condizionare da quel che ti dice la tv....
"Questa è la tua vita e ogni giorno che passa sta finendo."
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.:Titolo: ...stupitevi...
11/12/07 10:35

Se non ne potete più come me degli zero assoluto finalmente per voi è in arrivo un progetto musicale che sconvolgerà le menti umane e l'intero mercato discografico italiano...BASTA CON THOMAS E MATTEO!!! (ovvero gli zero assoluto ndr)
Se volete davvero un duo acustico con i controcoglioni ecco a voi un progetti che vi farà andare via di testa...
BUCK & BEZ presentano:
Presto nei peggiori negozi, dai migliori spacciatori, nelle quasi decenti rosticcerie, in edicola con "il mio furetto oggi" e nei luoghi più malfamati di padova.

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.:Titolo: svolte della giornata
10/12/07 19:56

Giornata placida giornata stanca giornata tranquilla e poi gli eventi ti prendono alle spalle ti aggrediscono ti sbattono al suolo il cuore...lo buttano giù da una scarpata...giù alcool e fuoco al cuore e ai sentimenti più nascosti e più segreti.
Mi volete morto?
eccomi sono qui

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.:Titolo: questa ? solo per bez e bosch!!!
10/12/07 14:18

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.:Titolo: fanculo
10/12/07 10:04

« Sì, vaffanculo anche tu. Affanculo io? Vacci tu! Tu e tutta questa merda di città e chi la abita. No, no, no, no. In culo ai mendicanti che mi chiedono soldi. In culo ai lavavetri che mi sporcano il vetro pulito della macchina. Ehi! Che ti avevo detto? Cercati un lavoro, stronzo! Smettila subito! In culo ai Sikh e ai pachistani che vanno per le strade a palla con i loro taxi decrepiti che puzzano di curry da tutti i pori. Mi mandano in paranoia le narici. Aspiranti terroristi! E rallentate, cazzo! In culo ai ragazzi di Chelsea con il torace depilato e i bicipiti pompati, che lo succhiano a vicenda nei miei parchi. E te lo sbattono in faccia su Gay Channel. In culo ai droghieri coreani con le loro piramidi di frutta troppo cara, con i loro fiori avvolti nella plastica. Sono qui da dieci anii e non sanno ancora mettere due parole insieme. In culo ai russi di Brighton Beach. Mafiosi e violenti, seduti nei bar a sorseggiare il loro tè, con una zolletta di zucchero tra i denti. Rubano, imbrogliano e cospirano. Tornatevene da dove cazzo siete venuti! In culo agli ebrei ortodossi, che vanno su e giù per la quarantasettesima, nei loro soprabiti imbiancati di forfora, a vendere diamanti del Sudafrica dell'apartheid. In culo agli agenti di Borsa di Wall Street, che pensano di essere i padroni dell'Universo. Quei figli di puttana si sentono come Michael Douglas-Gordon Gekko e pensano a nuovi modi per derubare la povera gente che lavora. Sbattete dentro quegli stronzi della Enron a marcire per tutta la vita. E Bush e Cheney non sapevano niente di quel casino? Ma fatemi il cazzo di piacere! In culo alla Tyco, alla ImClone, alla Adelphia, alla WordCom! In culo ai portoricani, venti in una macchina, che fanno crescere le spese dell'assistenza sociale. E non parliamo di quei pipponi dei dominicani! Al loro confronto i portoricani sono proprio dei fenomeni. In culo agli italiani di Bensonhurt, con i loro capelli impomatati, le loro tute di nylon, le loro medagliette di Sant'Antonio. Che agitano la loro mazza da baseball firmata Jason Giambi. Sperando in un'audizione per I Soprano. In culo ai negri di Harlem. Non passano mai la palla, non vogliono giocare in difesa, fanno cinque passi per arrivare sotto canestro, poi si girano e danno la colpa al razzismo dei bianchi. La schiavitù è finita centotrentasette anni fa. E muovete le chiappe, è ora! In culo ai poliziotti corrotti che impalano i poveri cristi e li crivellano con quarantuno proiettili. Nascosti dietro un muro d'omertà. Avete tradito la nostra fiducia! In culo ai preti, che mettono le mani nei pantaloni dei bambini innocenti. In culo alla chiesa, che li protegge non liberandoci dal male. E dato che ci siamo, ci metto anche Gesù Cristo. Se l'è cavata con poco. Un giorno sulla croce, un weekend all'inferno, e poi gli alleluia degli angeli per il resto dell'eternità. Provi a passare sette anni nel carcere di Otisville. In culo a Osama Bin Laden, a Al Qaeda e a quei cavernicoli retrogradi dei fondamentalisti di tutto il mondo. In nome delle migliaia di innocenti assassinati, vi auguro di passare il resto dell'eternità con le vostre settantadue puttane ad arrostire al fuoco lento dell'inferno. Stronzi cammellieri con l'asciugamano in testa, baciate le mie nobili palle irlandesi! In culo a questa città, e a chi ci abita. Che bruci fino a diventare cenere, e che le acque si sollevino e sommergano questa fogna infestata dai topi. No. No, in culo a te, Montgomey Brogan. Avevi tutto e l'hai buttato via, brutta testa di cazzo! »
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.:Titolo: domande
10/12/07 9:58

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.:Titolo: figata
09/12/07 11:52

Secondo me una delle migliori collaborazioni che abbiamo mai avuto in Italia Articolo 31 feat Extrema
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.:Titolo: le 100 migliori canzoni del secolo
07/12/07 12:30

La rivista Rolling Stones (di cui io sono un assiduo lettore) nel 2004 ha pubblicato una classifica con le 500 canzoni migliori di tutti i tempi.
Questa classifica è stata stilata raccogliendo pareri di una giuria composta da: esperti dell'industria musicale, critici e musicisti.
C'è da puntualizzare però che la classifica si inclina molto verso le canzoni americane e britanniche...basti pensare che solo una canzone non è in lingua inglese.
So che nessuno la leggerà mai tutta ma io la metto!!!

1 Like a Rolling Stone – Bob Dylan (1965)
2 (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction – The Rolling Stones (1965)
3 Imagine – John Lennon (1971)
4 What's Going on – Marvin Gaye (1971)
5 Respect – Aretha Franklin (1967)
6 Good Vibrations – The Beach Boys (1966)
7 Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry (195
8 Hey Jude – The Beatles (196
9 Smells Like Teen Spirit – Nirvana (1991)
10 What'd I Say – Ray Charles (1959)
11 My Generation – The Who (1965)
12 A Change Is Gonna Come – Sam Cooke (1964)
13 Yesterday – The Beatles (1965)
14 Blowin' in the Wind – Bob Dylan (1963)
15 London Calling – The Clash (1980)
16 I Want to Hold Your Hand – The Beatles (1963)
17 Purple Haze – Jimi Hendrix (1967)
18 Maybellene – Chuck Berry (1955)
19 Hound dog – Elvis Presley (1956)
20 Let It Be – The Beatles (1970)
21 Born To Run – Bruce Springsteen (1975)
22 Be My Baby – The Ronettes (1963)
23 In My Life – The Beatles (1965)
24 People Get Ready – The Impressions (1965)
25 God Only Knows – The Beach Boys (1966)
26 A Day in the Life – The Beatles (1967)
27 Layla – Derek and the Dominos (1970)
28 (Sittin' on) the Dock of the Bay – Otis Redding (196
29 Help! – The Beatles (1965)
30 I Walk the Line – Johnny Cash (1956)
31 Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin (1971)
32 Sympathy for the Devil – The Rolling Stones (196
34 River Deep, Mountain High – Ike & Tina Turner (1966)
35 You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling – The Righteous Brothers (1964)
36 Light My Fire – The Doors (1967)
37 One – U2 (1991)
38 No Woman, No Cry – Bob Marley (1975)
39 Gimme Shelter – The Rolling Stones (1969)
40 That'll be the Day – Buddy Holly (1957)
41 Dancin' in the Streets – Martha and the Vandellas (1964)
42 The Weight – The Band (196
43 Waterloo Sunset – The Kinks (196
44 Tutti Frutti – Little Richard (1956)
45 Georgia on My Mind – Ray Charles (1960)
46 Heartbreak Hotel – Elvis Presley (1956)
47 Heroes – David Bowie (1977)
48 Bridge over Troubled Water – Simon & Garfunkel (1970)
49 All Along the Watchtower – Jimi Hendrix (196
50 Hotel California – Eagles (1976)
51 The Tracks of My Tears – Smokey Robinson (1965)
52 The Message – Grandmaster Flash (1982)
53 When Doves Cry – Prince (1984)
54 Anarchy in the U.K. – The Sex Pistols (1977)
55 When a Man Loves a Woman – Percy Sledge (1966)
56 Louie Louie – The Kingsmen (1963)
57 Long Tall Sally – Little Richard (1956)
58 A Whiter Shade of Pale – Procol Harum (1967)
59 Billie Jean – Michael Jackson (1983)
60 The Times They are A-Changin' – Bob Dylan (1964)
61 Let's Stay Together – Al Green (1971)
62 Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On – Jerry Lee Lewis (1957)
63 Bo Diddley – Bo Diddley (1955)
64 For What it's Worth – Buffalo Springfield (1967)
65 She Loves You – The Beatles (1963)
66 Sunshine of Your Love – Cream (196
67 Redemption Song – Bob Marley (1980)
68 Jailhouse Rock – Elvis Presley (1957)
69 Tangled Up in Blue – Bob Dylan (1975)
70 Crying – Roy Orbison (1961)
71 Walk On By – Dionne Warwick (1964)
72 California Girls – The Beach Boys (1965)
73 Papa's Got a Brand New Bag – James Brown (1966)
74 Summertime Blues – Eddie Cochran (195
75 Superstition – Stevie Wonder (1972)
76 Whole Lotta Love – Led Zeppelin (1969)
77 Strawberry Fields Forever – The Beatles (1967)
78 Mystery Train – Elvis Presley (1955)
79 I Got You (I Feel Good) – James Brown (1965)
80 Mr. Tambourine Man – The Byrds (1965)
81 I Heard it Through the Grapevine – Marvin Gaye (196
82 Blueberry Hill – Fats Domino (1956)
83 You Really Got Me – The Kinks (1964)
84 Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) – The Beatles (1965)
85 Every Breath You Take – The Police (1983)
86 Crazy – Patsy Cline (1961)
87 Thunder Road – Bruce Springsteen (1975)
88 Ring of Fire – Johnny Cash (1963)
89 My Girl – The Temptations (1965)
90 California Dreamin' – The Mamas & The Papas (1965)
91 In the Still of the Night – The Five Satins (1956)
92 Suspicious Minds – Elvis Presley (1969)
93 Blitzkrieg Bop – Ramones (1976)
94 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For – U2 (1987)
95 Good Golly, Miss Molly – Little Richard (195
96 Blue Suede Shoes – Carl Perkins (1956)
97 Great Balls of Fire – Jerry Lee Lewis (1957)
98 Roll Over Beethoven – Chuck Berry (1956)
99 Love and Happiness – Al Green (1972)
100 Fortunate Son – Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969)
101 You Can't Always Get What You Want – The Rolling Stones (1969)
102 Voodoo Child (Slight Return) – Jimi Hendrix (196
103 Be-Bop-A-Lula – Gene Vincent (1956)
104 Hot Stuff – Donna Summer (1979)
105 Living for the City – Stevie Wonder (1973)
106 The Boxer – Simon & Garfunkel (1969)
107 Mr. Tambourine Man – Bob Dylan (1965)
108 Not Fade Away – Buddy Holly (1957)
109 Little Red Corvette – Prince (1983)
110 Brown Eyed Girl – Van Morrison (1967)
111 I've Been Loving You Too Long (to Stop Now) – Otis Redding (1965)
112 I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry – Hank Williams (1949)
113 That's All Right – Elvis Presley (1954)
114 Up on the Roof – The Drifters (1962)
115 Da Doo Ron Ron (When He Walked Me Home) – The Crystals (1963)
116 You Send Me – Sam Cooke (1957)
117 Honky Tonk Women – The Rolling Stones (1969)
118 Take Me to the River – Al Green (1974)
119 Shout (Parts 1 and 2) – The Isley Brothers (1959)
120 Go Your Own Way – Fleetwood Mac (1977)
121 I Want You Back – The Jackson 5 (1969)
122 Stand By Me – Ben E. King (1961)
123 House of the Rising Sun – The Animals (1964)
124 It's a Man's, Man's, Man's World – James Brown (1966)
125 Jumpin' Jack Flash – The Rolling Stones (196
126 Will You Love Me Tomorrow – The Shirelles (1960)
127 Shake, Rattle & Roll – Big Joe Turner (1954)
128 Changes – David Bowie (1971)
129 Rock and Roll Music – Chuck Berry (1957)
130 Born to be Wild – Steppenwolf (196
131 Maggie May – Rod Stewart (1971)
132 With or Without You – U2 (1987)
133 Who Do You Love? – Bo Diddley (1957)
134 Won't Get Fooled Again – The Who (1971)
135 In the Midnight Hour – Wilson Pickett (1965)
136 While My Guitar Gently Weeps – The Beatles (196
137 Your song – Elton John (1970)
138 Eleanor Rigby – The Beatles (1966)
139 Family Affair – Sly & the Family Stone (1971)
140 I Saw Her Standing There – The Beatles (1964)
141 Kashmir – Led Zeppelin (1975)
142 All I Have to Do is Dream – Everly Brothers (195
143 Please, Please, Please – James Brown (1956)
144 Purple Rain – Prince (1984)
145 I Wanna be Sedated – Ramones (197
146 Everyday People – Sly & the Family Stone (196
147 Rock Lobster – The B-52's (1979)
148 Lust for Life – Iggy Pop (1977)
149 Me and Bobby McGee – Janis Joplin (1971)
150 Cathy's Clown – Everly Brothers (1960)
151 Eight Miles High – The Byrds (1966)
152 Earth Angel – The Penguins (1954)
153 Foxy Lady – Jimi Hendrix (1965)
154 A Hard Day's Night – The Beatles (1964)
155 Rave On – Buddy Holly (195
156 Proud Mary – Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969)
157 The Sound of Silence – Simon & Garfunkel (1965)
158 I Only Have Eyes for You – The Flamingos (1959)
159 (We're Gonna) Rock Around the Clock – Bill Haley & the Comets (1954)
160 I'm Waiting for the Man – The Velvet Underground (1967)
161 Bring the Noise – Public Enemy (198
162 I Can't Stop Loving You – Ray Charles (1962)
163 Nothing Compares 2 U – Sinéad O'Connor (1990)
164 Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen (1975)
165 Folsom Prison Blues – Johnny Cash (1956)
166 Fast Car – Tracy Chapman (198
167 Lose Yourself – Eminem (2002)
168 Let's Get It On – Marvin Gaye (1973)
169 Papa Was a Rollin' Stone – The Temptations (1972)
170 Losing My Religion – R.E.M. (1991)
171 Both Sides Now – Joni Mitchell (1969)
172 Dancing Queen – ABBA (1976)
173 Dream On – Aerosmith (1973)
174 God Save the Queen – The Sex Pistols (1977)
175 Paint it Black – The Rolling Stones (1966)
176 I Fought the Law – Bobby Fuller Four (1966)
177 Don't Worry Baby – The Beach Boys (1964)
178 Free Fallin' – Tom Petty (1989)
179 September Gurls – Big Star (1974)
180 Love Will Tear Us Apart – Joy Division (1980)
181 Hey Ya! – Outkast (2003)
182 Green Onions – Booker T. and the MG's (1962)
183 Save the Last Dance for Me – The Drifters (1960)
184 The Thrill is Gone – B.B. King (1969)
185 Please Please Me – The Beatles (1964)
186 Desolation Row – Bob Dylan (1965)
187 I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You) – Aretha Franklin (1967)
188 Back in Black – AC/DC (1980)
189 Who'll Stop the Rain – Creedence Clearwater Revival (1970)
190 Stayin' Alive – The Bee Gees (1977)
191 Knockin' on Heaven's Door – Bob Dylan (1973)
192 Free Bird – Lynyrd Skynyrd (1973)
193 Wichita Lineman – Glen Campbell (196
194 There Goes My Baby – The Drifters (1959)
195 Peggy Sue – Buddy Holly (1957)
196 Maybe – The Chantels (1957)
197 Sweet Child O' Mine – Guns N' Roses (1987)
198 Don't be Cruel – Elvis Presley (1956)
199 Hey Joe – Jimi Hendrix (1966)
200 Flash Light – Parliament (1977)
201 Loser – Beck (1993)
202 Bizarre Love Triangle – New Order (1986)
203 Come Together – The Beatles (1969)
204 Positively 4th Street – Bob Dylan (1965)
205 Try a Little Tenderness – Otis Redding (1966)
206 Lean On Me – Bill Withers (1972)
207 Reach Out, I'll be There – The Four Tops (1966)
208 Bye Bye Love – Everly Brothers (1957)
209 Gloria – Them (1965)
210 In My Room – The Beach Boys (1963)
211 96 Tears – ? & the Mysterians (1966)
212 Caroline, No – The Beach Boys (1966)
213 1999 – Prince (1982)
214 Your Cheatin' Heart – Hank Williams (1953)
215 Rockin' in the Free World – Neil Young (1989)
216 Sh-Boom – The Chords (1954)
217 Do You Believe in Magic – The Lovin' Spoonful (1965)
218 Jolene – Dolly Parton (1974)
219 Boom Boom – John Lee Hooker (1962)
220 Spoonful – Howlin' Wolf (1960)
221 Walk Away, Renee – The Left Banke (1966)
222 Walk on the Wild Side – Lou Reed (1972)
223 Oh, Pretty Woman – Roy Orbison (1964)
224 Dance to the Music – Sly & the Family Stone (196
225 Good Times – Chic (1979)
226 Hoochie Coochie Man – Muddy Waters (1954)
227 Moondance – Van Morrison (1970)
228 Fire and Rain – James Taylor (1970)
229 Should I Stay or Should I Go – The Clash (1982)
230 Mannish Boy – Muddy Waters (1955)
231 Just Like a Woman – Bob Dylan (1966)
232 Sexual Healing – Marvin Gaye (1982)
233 Only the Lonely – Roy Orbison (1960)
234 We Gotta Get Out of This Place – The Animals (1965)
235 I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better – The Byrds (1965)
236 I Got a Woman – Ray Charles (1954)
237 Everyday – Buddy Holly (1957)
238 Planet Rock – Afrika Bambaataa (1982)
239 I Fall to Pieces – Patsy Cline (1961)
240 The Wanderer – Dion (1961)
241 Son of a Preacher Man – Dusty Springfield (196
242 Stand! – Sly & the Family Stone (1969)
243 Rocket Man – Elton John (1972)
244 Love Shack – The B-52's (1989)
245 Gimme Some Lovin' – The Spencer Davis Group (1966)
246 The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down – The Band (1969)
(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher – Jackie Wilson (1967)
247 Hot Fun in the Summertime – Sly & the Family Stone (1969)
248 Rappers' Delight – The Sugarhill Gang (1979)
249 Chain of Fools – Aretha Franklin (1967)
250 Paranoid – Black Sabbath (1970)
251 Mack the Knife – Bobby Darin (1959)
252 Money Honey – The Drifters (1953)
253 All the Young Dudes – Mott the Hoople (1972)
254 Highway to Hell – AC/DC (1979)
255 Heart of Glass – Blondie (197
256 Paranoid Android – Radiohead (1997)
257 Wild Thing – The Troggs (1966)
258 I Can See for Miles – The Who (1967)
259 Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley (1994)
260 Oh, What a Night – The Dells (1969)
261 Higher Ground – Stevie Wonder (1973)
262 Ooo Baby Baby – Smokey Robinson (1965)
263 He's a Rebel – The Crystals (1962)
264 Sail Away – Randy Newman (1972)
265 Tighten Up – Archie Bell & the Drells (196
266 Walking in the Rain – The Ronettes (1964)
267 Personality Crisis – New York Dolls (1973)
268 Sunday Bloody Sunday – U2 (1983)
269 Roadrunner – The Modern Lovers (1976)
270 He Stopped Loving Her Today – George Jones (1980)
271 Sloop John B – The Beach Boys (1966)
272 Sweet Little Sixteen – Chuck Berry (195
273 Something – The Beatles (1969)
274 Somebody to Love – Jefferson Airplane (1967)
275 Born in the U.S.A. – Bruce Springsteen (1984)
276 I'll Take You There – The Staple Singers (1972)
277 Ziggy Stardust – David Bowie (1972)
278 Pictures of You – The Cure (1989)
279 Chapel of Love – The Dixie Cups (1964)
280 Ain't No Sunshine – Bill Withers (1971)
281 You Are the Sunshine of My Life – Stevie Wonder (1972)
282 Help Me – Joni Mitchell (1974)
283 Call Me – Blondie (1980)
284 (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding – Elvis Costello (1979)
285 Smoke Stack Lightning – Howlin' Wolf (1956)
286 Summer Babe – Pavement (1992)
287 Walk This Way – Run DMC (1986)
288 Money (That's What I Want) – Barrett Strong (1960)
289 Can't Buy Me Love – The Beatles (1964)
290 Stan – Eminem (2000)
291 She's Not There – The Zombies (1964)
292 Train in Vain – The Clash (1979)
293 Tired of Being Alone – Al Green (1971)
294 Black Dog – Led Zeppelin (1971)
295 Street Fighting Man – The Rolling Stones (196
296 Get Up, Stand Up – Bob Marley (1975)
297 Heart of Gold – Neil Young (1972)
298 One Way or Another – Blondie (197
299 Sign 'O' the Times – Prince (1987)
300 Like a Prayer – Madonna (1989)
301 Da Ya Think I'm Sexy? – Rod Stewart (197
302 Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain – Willie Nelson (1975)
303 Ruby Tuesday – The Rolling Stones (1967)
304 With a Little Help from My Friends – The Beatles (1967)
305 Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud – James Brown (196
306 That's Entertainment – The Jam (1980)
307 Why Do Fools Fall in Love – Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers (1956)
308 Lonely Teardrops – Jackie Wilson (195
309 What's Love Got to do With it? – Tina Turner (1984)
310 Iron Man – Black Sabbath (1971)
311 Wake Up, Little Susie – Everly Brothers (1957)
312 In Dreams – Roy Orbison (1963)
313 I Put a Spell on You – Screamin' Jay Hawkins (1956)
314 Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd (1979)
315 Don't Let Me be Misunderstood – The Animals (1965)
316 Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd (1975)
317 Many Rivers to Cross – Jimmy Cliff (1969)
318 Alison – Elvis Costello (1977)
319 School's Out – Alice Cooper (1972)
320 Heartbreaker – Led Zeppelin (1969)
321 Cortez the Killer – Neil Young (1975)
322 Fight the Power – Public Enemy (1989)
323 Dancing Barefoot – Patti Smith (1979)
324 Baby Love – Diana Ross (1964)
325 Good Lovin' – The Rascals (1966)
326 Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine – James Brown (1970)
327 For Your Precious Love – Jerry Butler (195
328 The End – The Doors (1967)
329 That's the Way of the World – Earth, Wind & Fire (1975)
330 We Will Rock You – Queen (1977)
331 I Can't Make You Love Me – Bonnie Raitt (1991)
332 Subterranean Homesick Blues – Bob Dylan (1965)
333 Spirit in the Sky – Norman Greenbaum (1970)
334 Wild Horses – The Rolling Stones (1971)
335 Sweet Jane – The Velvet Underground (1970)
336 Walk This Way – Aerosmith (1976)
337 Beat It – Michael Jackson (1982)
338 Maybe I'm Amazed – Paul McCartney (1970)
339 You Keep Me Hangin' On – Diana Ross (1966)
340 Baba O'Riley – The Who (1971)
341 The Harder They Come – Jimmy Cliff (1975)
342 Runaround Sue – Dion (1961)
343 Jim Dandy – Lavern Baker (1956)
344 Piece of My Heart – Janis Joplin (196
345 La Bamba – Ritchie Valens (195
346 California Love – Tupac Shakur (1996)
347 Candle in the Wind – Elton John (1973)
348 That Lady (Part 1 and 2) – The Isley Brothers (1973)
349 Spanish Harlem – Ben E. King (1960)
350 The Loco-Motion – Little Eva (1962)
351 The Great Pretender – The Platters (1955)
352 All Shook Up – Elvis Presley (1957)
353 Tears in Heaven – Eric Clapton (1992)
354 Watching the Detectives – Elvis Costello (1977)
355 Bad Moon Rising – Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969)
356 Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) – Eurythmics (1983)
357 Little Wing – Jimi Hendrix (196
358 Nowhere to Run – Martha and the Vandellas (1965)
359 Got My Mojo Working – Muddy Waters (1957)
360 Killing Me Softly With His Song – Roberta Flack (1973)
361 Complete Control – The Clash (1979)
362 All You Need Is Love – The Beatles (1967)
363 The Letter – Box Tops (1967)
364 Highway 61 Revisited – Bob Dylan (1965)
365 Unchained Melody – The Righteous Brothers (1965)
366 How Deep is Your Love – The Bee Gees (1977)
367 White Room – Cream (196
368 Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode (1989)
369 I'm a Man – Bo Diddley (1955)
370 The Wind Cries Mary – Jimi Hendrix (1967)
371 I Can't Explain – The Who (1965)
372 Marquee Moon – Television (1977)
373 Wonderful World – Sam Cooke (1960)
374 Brown-Eyed, Handsome Man – Chuck Berry (1956)
375 Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 – Pink Floyd (1979)
376 Fake Plastic Trees – Radiohead (1995)
377 Hit the Road, Jack – Ray Charles (1961)
378 Pride (In the Name of Love) – U2 (1984)
379 Radio Free Europe – R.E.M. (1983)
380 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road – Elton John (1973)
381 Tell it Like it is – Aaron Neville (1966)
382 Bitter Sweet Symphony – The Verve (1997)
383 Whipping Post – The Allman Brothers Band (1969)
384 Ticket to Ride – The Beatles (1965)
385 Ohio – Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young (1970)
386 I Know You Got Soul – Eric B. & Rakim (1987)
387 Tiny Dancer – Elton John (1971)
388 Roxanne – The Police (1979)
389 Just My Imagination – The Temptations (1971)
390 Baby I Need Your Loving – The Four Tops (1964)
391 Band of Gold – Freda Payne (1970)
392 O-o-h Child – The Five Stairsteps (1970)
393 Summer in the City – The Lovin' Spoonful (1966)
394 Can't Help Falling In Love – Elvis Presley (1961)
395 Remember (Walkin' in The Sand) – The Shangri-Las (1964)
396 Thirteen – Big Star (1972)
397 (Don't Fear) the Reaper – Blue Öyster Cult (1976)
398 Sweet Home Alabama – Lynyrd Skynyrd (1974)
399 Enter Sandman – Metallica (1991)
400 Kicks – Paul Revere & the Raiders (1966)
401 Tonight's the Night – The Shirelles (1960)
402 Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) – Sly & the Family Stone (1970)
403 C'mon Everybody – Eddie Cochran (195
404 Visions of Johanna – Bob Dylan (1966)
405 We've Only Just Begun – The Carpenters (1970)
406 I Believe I Can Fly – R. Kelly (1996)
407 In Bloom – Nirvana (1991)
408 Sweet Emotion – Aerosmith (1975)
409 Crossroads – Cream (196
410 Monkey Gone to Heaven – Pixies (1989)
411 I Feel Love – Donna Summer (1977)
412 Ode to Billie Joe – Bobbie Gentry (1967)
413 The Girl Can't Help It – Little Richard (1957)
414 Young Blood – The Coasters (1957)
415 I Can't Help Myself – The Four Tops (1965)
416 The Boys of Summer – Don Henley (1984)
417 Fuck the Police – N.W.A. (1989)
418 Suite: Judy Blue Eyes – Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young (1969)
419 Nuthin' But a 'G' Thang – Dr. Dre (1993)
420 It's Your Thing – The Isley Brothers (1969)
421 Piano Man – Billy Joel (1973)
422 Lola – The Kinks (1970)
423 Blue Suede Shoes – Elvis Presley (1956)
424 Tumbling Dice – The Rolling Stones (1972)
425 William, it Was Really Nothing – The Smiths (1984)
426 Smoke on the Water – Deep Purple (1973)
427 New Year's Day – U2 (1983)
428 Devil With a Blue Dress On/Good Golly Miss Molly – Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels (1966)
429 Everybody Needs Somebody to Love – Solomon Burke (1964)
430 White Man in Hammersmith Palais – The Clash (1979)
431 Ain't it a Shame – Fats Domino (1955)
432 Midnight Train to Georgia – Gladys Knight (1973)
433 Ramble On – Led Zeppelin (1969)
434 Mustang Sally – Wilson Pickett (1966)
435 Beast of Burden – The Rolling Stones (197
436 Alone Again Or – Love (196
437 Love Me Tender – Elvis Presley (1956)
438 I Wanna be Your Dog – The Stooges (1969)
439 Pink Houses – John Mellencamp (1983)
440 Push it – Salt-n-Pepa (1987)
441 Come Go With Me – The Del-Vikings (1957)
442 Keep a-Knockin' – Little Richard (1957)
443 I Shot the Sheriff – Bob Marley (1973)
444 I Got You, Babe – Sonny and Cher (1965)
445 Come As You Are – Nirvana (1991)
446 Pressure Drop – Toots and the Maytals (1973)
447 Leader of the Pack – The Shangri-Las (1964)
448 Heroin – The Velvet Underground (1967)
449 Penny Lane – The Beatles (1967)
450 By the Time I Get to Phoenix – Glen Campbell (1967)
451 The Twist – Chubby Checker (1960)
452 Cupid – Sam Cooke (1961)
453 Paradise City – Guns N' Roses (1987)
454 My Sweet Lord – George Harrison (1970)
455 All Apologies – Nirvana (1993)
456 Stagger Lee – Lloyd Price (195
457 Sheena is a Punk Rocker – Ramones (1977)
458 Soul Man – Sam and Dave (1967)
459 Rollin' Stone – Muddy Waters (194
460 One Fine Day – The Chiffons (1963)
461 Kiss – Prince (1986)
462 Respect Yourself – The Staple Singers (1971)
463 Rain – The Beatles (1966)
464 Standing in the Shadows of Love – The Four Tops (1966)
465 Surrender – Cheap Trick (197
466 Runaway – Del Shannon (1961)
467 Welcome to the Jungle – Guns N' Roses (1987)
468 Search and Destroy – The Stooges (1973)
469 It's Too Late – Carole King (1970)
470 Free Man in Paris – Joni Mitchell (1974)
471 On the Road Again – Willie Nelson (1980)
472 Where Did Our Love Go – Diana Ross (1964)
473 Do Right Woman – Do Right Man – Aretha Franklin (1967)
474 One Nation Under a Groove – Part 1 – Funkadelic (197
475 Sabotage – Beastie Boys (1994)
476 I Want to Know What Love Is – Foreigner (1984)
477 Super Freak – Rick James (1981)
478 White Rabbit – Jefferson Airplane (1967)
479 Lady Marmalade – Labelle (1975)
480 Into the Mystic – Van Morrison (1970)
481 Young Americans – David Bowie (1975)
482 I'm Eighteen – Alice Cooper (1971)
483 Just Like Heaven – The Cure (1987)
484 I Love Rock 'N Roll – Joan Jett (1982)
485 Graceland – Paul Simon (1986)
486 How Soon is Now? – The Smiths (1985)
487 Under the Boardwalk – The Drifters (1964)
488 Rhiannon (Will You Ever Win) – Fleetwood Mac (1975)
489 I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor (197
490 Brown Sugar – The Rolling Stones (1971)
491 You Don't Have to Say You Love Me – Dusty Springfield (1966)
492 Running on Empty – Jackson Browne (1977)
493 Then He Kissed Me – The Crystals (1963)
494 Desperado – Eagles (1973)
495 Shop Around – Smokey Robinson (1960)
496 Miss You – The Rolling Stones (197
497 Buddy Holly – Weezer (1994)
498 Rainy Night in Georgia – Brook Benton (1970)
499 The Boys are Back in Town – Thin Lizzy (1976)
500 More Than a Feeling – Boston (1976)

E quindi io mi chiedo dov'è "sultans of swing" dei Dire Straits o "Last night trip" degli eery????
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